Professional CV
birth: 1977 in Domažlice (Czech Republic)
citizenship: CZ
- habilitation (doc.) in botany, Charles University, 2016
- RNDr., Botany, Charles University in Prague, 2009
- Ph.D., Botany, Charles University in Prague, 2008
Concentrations: Palaeoecology Dissertation: Human-driven and Natural Vegetation Changes During the Last Glacial and Early Holocene - M.A. (Mgr.), Biology, Charles University in Prague, 2001
Concentrations: Ecological botany (Geobotany) Thesis: Holocene Vegetation Development and Pollen Deposition in the Adrspassko-teplicke skaly Mts. NE Bohemia
- Since 2024: head of plant ecology (geobotany) at the Department of Botant, Charles University, Prague
- Since 2017: associate professor at the Department of Botany, Charles University, Prague
- 2012–2016: researcher at the Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Průhonice (30 %)
- Sep 2011–2016: assistant professor at the Department of Botany, Charles University, Prague
- Feb 2009–Jul 2011: postdoc at the Department of Geocience, Aarhus University, Denmark
- 2005–2011: research assistant at the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (2003–2005: 50 %, 2006–2008: 100 %, 2009–2011: 50 %)
Longer stays abroad:
- March–July 2001: Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Universität Göttingen, Germany
Event organisation:
International science meetings
Organizer of the EPD Open Science Meeting and workshops, Prague, 1st-3rd June, 2022; Co-organizer of special session Holocene land-use and land-cover change: advances and applications – from quantifying vegetation change to estimating human impacts on biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, 4–8 May 2020; Co-organizer of special session Vegetation and plant diversity dynamics during the late Quaternary, 62nd IAVS Symposium, Bremen, Germany, 14–19 July 2019; Co-organizer of special session Ecological insights from palynological and macrofossil analysis of Quaternary deposits, XIV IPC Salvador, Brazil, 23-28 October 2016; Co-organizer of special session Long-term perspectives on vegetation change (58th Annual symposium of the IAVS, Brno, Czech Republic, 19–24 July 2015; Organizer of 9th International Pollen Monitoring Programme meeting, 26–30 August 2013, Prague; Co-organizer of special session Past vegetation patterns (56th Annual symposium of the IAVS, Tartu, Estonia, 26–30 June 2013
International courses and excursions:
Organizer of the 32. Bog Excursion – Moorexkursion (Czech Republic, 6.-14.9.2008)
Participant at courses and excursions:
Terrestrial ecosystems: Quantitative landscape reconstruction using pollen – a modeling approach (Lund, Sweden, 1.-7.3.2009); 30. Bog Excursion (Norhern Italy, 16.-24.9.2006); 28. Bog Excursion (Estonia, 2004)
Field experience [outside Europe]:
1997: Turkey (1 month); 1999: Iran, Pakistan, India (W Himalaya) (2,5 months); 2000: Thailand, Laos, SW China (Yunnan, Sichuan), E Tibet (2 months); 2001: Nepal (E Himalaya), India (Sikkim, W Bengal) (2 months); 2002: Tibet (1,5 month); 2003: Siberia – Western Sayan Mts. (1 month); 2005: Galapagos (1 month); 2005: Tibet (1,5 month); 2006: Kyrgyzstan (1 month), 2008: Southern China (1 month), 2011, 2013: Georgia (2 weeks), 2014, 2016: Tasmania (3 weeks); 2024 Guayana (1 month), Australia (1 month)
- Charles University in Prague, Department of Botany: Holocene palaeoecology (2006–2008), Methods in plant taxonomy – palynology (2002–2008); Palaeoecology practise (2006, 2011, 2014, 2018); Biomes of the Earth (2 lectures; 2008, 2011–*), Quaternary Palaeoecology (2011–*), Geobiology (1 lecture; 2013–2016, 2 lectures; 2017–*), Introduction to Mongolistics (1 lecture – steppes; 2013, 2014), Data handling and numerical methods in biostratigraphy and palaeoecology (2013, 2016, 2018), Practical class in Quaternary Paleoecology (since 2021)
- Chronology-building using the EPD, EPD in Neotoma, Open Science Meeting, 1.–3.6.2022, Prague (together with Graciela Gil-Romera)
- PUBLIC CUSTOMIZED TRAINING COURSE ON Neotoma and Pollen Production, 29.8.-1.9.2017, KIGAM Daejon, South Korea
- PAGES: Pollen-based reconstructions of past land-cover change in Latin America, 30.10.-1.11.2016, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
- POLQUANT – POLlen data and QUANTification of past vegetation cover: Theory of Pollen Analysis and Its Applications for Vegetation Reconstruction (Summer School),, CNRS Moulis, France
- EPD meeting workshop: Quantitative vegetation reconstructions using the Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm, 3.3.2016, Aix-en-Provence, France
- Quantitative palynology workshop, 15 February 2016, University of Melbourne, School of Geography
- Course of Quantitative Paleolimnology, 20–21 October 2015, University Köln, Germany
- Course of Quantitative Palynology, 29 April – 3 May 2015, Velemin, Czech Republic (with Enikö Magyari, Angelica Feurdean, Vojtěch Abraham and Piotr Kolaczek)
Supervising students and postdoctoral fellows (*presently working)
- Postdoc:
Ilona Pál – 2020: Temperate mountain forest dynamics: their long-term drivers and diversity at the continentality gradient
Vachel A. Carter – 2016–2018: Holocene disturbance dynamics in European Picea abies (Norway spruce) forests: Implications for conservation and management - Ph.D.:
Amanda Mateo Beneito – 2020–*; Alice Moravcová – 2016–*; Markéta Švarcová 2012–*; Audra Swan – 2023–* (consultant); Bryan Novio – 2024–* (consultant)
Anna Tichá – 2016–2022: Changes in nutrient availability imprinted in long-term diatom succession in lakes
Přemysl Bobek – 2008–2019: Holocene fire history of forest vegetation in central Europe based on soil and sedimentary charcoal
Eva Jamrichová – 2008–2016: Anthropogenic impact on landscape transformation and vegetation changes reflected in pollen spectra from Central-Eastern Europe - MSc.:
Vojtěch Petrák – 2024–*: Využití sedaDNA na prokázání přítomnosti kůrovce (Ips typographus) v holocénu
Šárka Provazníková – 2022–*: Antropogenní vliv na vývoj vegetace Orlických horAntropogenní vliv na vývoj vegetace Orlických hor
Jana Beranová – 2014–2018: Dlouhodobá dynamika disturbancí smrkových lesů ve Vysokých Tatrách
Anna Auerspergerová – 2013–*: Požáry jako dlouhodobý faktor dynamiky vegetace – příkladová studie na horském rašeliništi;
Tomáš Radoměřský – 2013–2015: Dlouhodobá dynamika Ledum palustre – testování modelu rozšíření pomocí paleoekologických dat;
Jakub Jágl – 2012 (CULS, consultant): Paleobotanický potenciál rašelinišť severní části Českého lesa;
Tomáš Suda – 2009–2012: History of vegetational development in the Cheb basin from sedimentary record of the SOOS National Nature Reserve;
Markéta Švarcová – 2009–2012: Postglacial vegetation history and local phenomena in western Bohemia;
Pavla Žáčková – 2007–2008 (consultant): Reconstruction of the paleoecological conditions during infilling//process of the former lakes by makrofossil analysis
Vojtěch Abraham – 2004–2006: The natural vegetation of Bohemian Switzerland and its changes as an impact of habitation and forest management - BSc.:
Adéla Pavlišová – 2021: Long term disturbances in temperate mountain forests and their representation in various proxy data
Světlana Rayová – 2017: Long-term dynamics of Norway spruce in relation to disturbance
Lucie Koďousková – 2015: Relationship between pollen diversity and floristic diversity – utilization for study of the past
Jana Beranová – 2015: Changes in vegetation of Karpaty since glacial maximum – identificaition of main trends accesibility of data and gap in knowledge;
Markéta Švarcová – 2009: Origin and development of peat-bogs in western Bohemia;
Tomáš Suda – 2009: Palaeoecological research of lake sediments in Trebon basin - Ph.D. thesis review:
Lydie Dudová: 1.12.2016 Masaryk University, Brno – Vegetation history of the Jeseníky Mts on local and regional scale
- since 1998: Czech Botanical Society
- 2003–2005; 2015–2018: Academic senate of the Faculty of Science, Charles University Prague
- 2015–*: member of Ph.D. Programme Steering Committee in botany at Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
- 2015–2019: Czech Science Foundation – member of the Evaluation Panel (P504 – Landscape management, forestry and soil biology, ecosystem ecology)
- 2015–*: member of Ph.D. Programme Steering Committee in botany at Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
- 2017–*: member of the evaluation committee at the Institute of Botany CAS
- 2017–*: member of the Czech Society for Ecology
- 2018–2022: member of the Academic assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2020–: Associate editor for Biogeosciences
- 2022–: European Geosciences Union
- 2023–: Member of the Council of the Šumava National Park
Grant projects:
Project leader:
- 2020–Jun 2023: BESTFORCE Temperate mountain forest dynamics: their long-term drivers and diversity at the continentality gradient (Czech Science Foundation, 20-13368S, 13.338.000 CZK)
- 2020–Mar 2023: Historical land use and its importance for the future protection of important species along the Bavarian-Czech border (INTERREG EU, 1.170.020,05 €)
- 2016–2018: EUROPIA Holocene disturbance dynamics in European Picea abies (Norway spruce) forests: Implications for conservation and management (Czech Science Foundation, 16-06915S, 8.997.000 CZK)
- 2012–2015: Pollen-based land-cover reconstruction – model testing and its implications for Holocene environmental change studies (Czech Science Foundation, 8.923.000 CZK)
- 2003-2005: Reconstruction of the natural vegetation of sandstone rocks in the National Park Bohemian Switzerland and the surrounding sandstone area by the mean of pollen analysis of profiles (Ministry of the Environment CR, SE/620/7/03, 818.000 CZK)
- 2003-2005: Vegetation and landscape during the Early Postglacial as an environment for hunter-gatherer populations (GA AS CR, KJB6111305, 989.000 CZK)
Joint applicant:
- 2024–2028: PalaeOpen: Open Palaeoecological Data – analysing the past building foresight (COST action CA23116 – main proposer Thomas Giesecke)
- 2007–2011: Long-term development of cultural landscape of Central Bohemia as a co-evolution of human impacts and natural processes (GA AS CR, IAAX00020701, 5.900.000 CZK) – project leader Petr Pokorný
- 2023–2025: Modern distribution of bacterial lipids and carbon isotopes in the lake water and catchment soils of Černé lake, The Bohemian Forest: a contribution to paleoenvironmental reconstruction (GA UK, applicant Amanda Mateo Beneito)
- 2017–2019: Reconstruction of postglacial dynamics of the quillworts population Isoëtes lacustris and Isoëtes echinospora in Prášilské lake, Bohemian Forest (GA UK – applicant Alice Moravcová)
- 2009–2011: Forest wildfire dynamics in Czech sandstone areas and its efect on recent vegetation (GA UK – applicant Přemysl Bobek)
- 2024–2026: Palaeoecological reconstruction of ecosystems as a basis for conservation planning of protected areas (TAČR, SS07010074) – project applicant Jindřich Prach
2016-2020: IGNEX: Interglacials and glacials – natural experiments in biodiversity dynamics – PI John Birks (University Bergen)
- 2012-2016: LONGWOOD (EU ERC starting grant) – project applicant Peter Szabó
- 2009-2014: Past4Future (EU 7th Framework programme)
- 2009-2010: Mellemistider i Danmark (Interglacials in Denmark) (Carlsberg, 1.000.335 DKK) – project applicant Bent Vad Odgaard
- 2007-2009: Pollen Database of the Czech Republic (GA UK, 29407) – project leader Vojtěch Abraham
- 2006-2008: Dynamics of spreading of woody species in central European landscape (GA CR, GA526/06/0818) – project leader Tomáš Herben
- 1999-2001: Small-scale diversity in Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation history in a landscape with strong geomorphological gradients (GA AV CR, IAA6005904) – project leader Vlasta Jankovská
- 1998-2000: Palaeoecology of small peat-deposits in the area of block sandstones (GA UK) – project leader Tomáš Herben
Publications and reviews
Scientific papers
see bellow
Invited talks at conferences
Quantitative approaches in reconstructing long-term woodland dynamics in Europe. (Kuneš P. – 3rd ASQUA conference 2017, 4-8 September 2017, Lotte City Hotel Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea ); The origin of grasslands in the temperate forest zone of east-central Europe: long-term legacy of climate and human impact. (Kuneš P., Svobodová-Svitavská H., Kolář J., Tkáč P., Hajnalová M., Macek M., Abraham V. & Szabó P. – Conference of Environmental Archaeology. České Budějovice, Czech Republic. 9-11 February 2015); Comparing past quantitative land-cover estimates and data on human impact provide novel insights into human-landscape interactions (Open PAGES Focus 4 Workshop – Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions, Leuven, 3.–7.2.2014); Paleoekologie vegetace – kde jsme a kde můžeme potkat zbytek vegetační ekologie? (Historie flóry a vegetace v pozdním glaciálu a holocénu ve světle aktuálních poznatků, Konference ČBS, Praha, 23.–24.11.2013); Holocenní dynamika lesů (Konference ČBS, Praha, 29.–30.11.2008)
Other invited talks
Klimatické změny v minulosti a dlouhodobé disturbance lesů (Kuneš P., Vzdělávání oddělení informačních středisek a středisek environmentálního vzdělávání v NP Šumava, Horská Kvilda, 10.11.2023); Požáry a další disturbance šumavských lesů v průběhu tisíciletí (Kuneš P., Seminář Lesník 21. století, Kašperské hory, 9.11.2023); Oheň v přírodě v dlouhodobé perspektivě (Kuneš P., Exkurze ČSPE České Švýcarsko, 21.10.2023); Testing ecological theories by using ecological attributes in the past (Kuneš P., BioChronos seminar, PAST department, University Montpellier, 12 September 2023); Current and future applications of the European Pollen Database in Central Eastern Europe (Kuneš P., CenTrain Workshop, Budapest, 11–12 November 2021); Oheň v přírodě v dlouhodobé perspektivě (Kuneš P., Biologie čtená podruhé, Katedra didaktiky biologie PřF UK, 14.10.2020); Šumavské lesy již nehoří aneb dlouhodobá dynamika disturbancí horských lesů z různých pohledů (Kuneš P. a kol., Přednáška ČBS Západočeské muzeum Plzeň, 22.10.2019); Long-term disturbance dynamics of mountain spruce forest: a multi-proxy approach (Kuneš P. – Seminar at Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany, 4.6.2019); Introduction to the grant proposal writing. Typical components of a proposal. (Kuneš P. – Funding Starts Here, A workshop for early-career researchers, 26-29 May 2019, Prague, Czechia); Radiocarbon dating in paleo-vegetation reconstruction (Workshop RAMSES: Ultra-trace isotope research in social and environmental studies using accelerator mass spectrometry, Prague, 21.3.2019); Long-term woodland dynamics in Central-Eastern Europe – coevolution of natural and anthropogenic forces (CRC Lecture at University Köln, 19.10.2015); Paleoekologické déjà vu – co nám ukazuje vegetace minulých interglaciálů? (Biologické čtvrtky ve Viničné, PřF UK, Praha, 8.11.2012); Impact of Early Holocene hunter-gatherers on vegetation derived from pollen diagrams: an example from the Czech Republic (Palaeoecology, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Berne, 28.3.2006)
Presentations at conferences
see bellow
Ad-hoc reviews for journals
Acta Palaeobotanica, Archeologické rozhledy, Biological Conservation, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Central European Journal of Geosciences, Diversity and Distributions, Folia Geobotanica, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, The Holocene, Hydrobiologia, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Paleolimnology, Journal of Quaternary Science, Journal of Vegetation Science, New Phytologist, Opera Corcontica, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, Preslia, Příroda, Quaternary International, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Science of the Total Environment, Scientific Reports, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Zprávy ČBS, Živa
Ad-hoc reviews for science funding agencies
Czech Science Foundation, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, National Science Centre Poland, Irish Research Council
Scientific outreach
Science Café: Les jako dědictví minulosti – co je přirozené? (9.4.2019); Proč je dobré mapovat vývoj lesů ve střední Evropě, Český rozhlas Plus, Magazín Leonardo (13.12.2016 14:35); Lovci mamutů žili v lese, Lidové noviny (Josef Matyáš), 7.6.2008; Planeta Věda – pyl, ČT24, 19.4.2008
- 2009-The Purkyně Award – Annual award for the best popular science article published in the journal Živa (author’s category above 30 years)
Skills and Qualifications:
- Fluent in English and German
- Programming ability in PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, R